Krischan Kramer Final

2 min readMay 5, 2021


When discussing the final project in class one of the first things that caught my interest was the idea of making a sort of particle system. Especially off of the back of our last assignment, I thought I could expand on that approach and create a randomly generating particle system. When creating it I originally was able to create a pretty simple firework explosion but I felt I was a bit boring because there was a severe lack of movement in the display of each firework. This lead to the biggest challenge I had making this, at first I really struggled to ideate off the back of that work until I started exploring WEBGL which is a 3rd parameter to createCanvas and changes render mode to 3D mode and changes the position of origin to the center of the canvas. Converting the progress I had made was certainly the biggest challenge but I am happy with the result as I was able to use angleMode(DEGREES) and rotateX(sin(frameCount / 2) * 360);
rotateY(sin(frameCount / 4) * 360);
rotateZ(sin(frameCount / 6) * 360);

to rotate the frame at different speeds along each axis, which made for a really fun effect. I think exploring the 3d render mode was also the most interesting thing I learned during the course of this assignment, although it was tricky to adjust to.

Reference Images — I originally was attempting to create a large explosion with a center origin but opted for more random placement when transitioned over

